Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What Every Man Should Know About Women - Magic Of Woman

What Every Man Should Know About Women" is the first transcultural book that teaches men from anywhere in the world everything they need to know about women that is both logical and predictable. It attempts to solve "The Mystery of Women" which has puzzled men for centuries. The knowledge contained therein allows any man from any culture to understand, love and appreciate the women in their life.

The content of What Every Man Should Know About Women is unique because it is transcultural. This means that any man living anywhere in the world ends up with a better understanding of any woman he will ever encounter regardless of who she is or where she comes from. Men who study and appropriately use the information presented on this site will know how to predict the behavior of all women more precisely. Consequently we believe these men will appreciate women better because their behavior will no longer be so mystifying or surprising.


The MagicofWoman.com website teaches men how to be more loving, understanding and appreciative of women through the use of newly discovered information contained in Les Morgenstern's book "What Every Man Should Know About Women".

Consider what is in What Every Man Should Know About Women to be something like the unraveling of the Mystery of Woman that has puzzled and confused men for centuries. We know this sounds like an utterly fantastic claim, but from our experience thus far we believe it is true.

Once you have learned how to use the basic information you can experience women more confidently for yourself. The Buddha said: "Don't believe anything until you experience it for yourself." We agree. Since the information is free, your only investment is the time it takes you to read and understand the book's contents.

This information is as valid for men in "arranged marriages" as it is for men in "love marriages". Those are the two main choices throughout Asia and the Middle East. The information is just as valid in cultures where women can't vote, drive, date, or have pre-marital sexual relations, as it is in the West where all of those activities are readily available to most women. Whether a nation is rich or poor doesn't matter either. Rich men and women in rich countries have as many problems getting along with one another, as poor men and women in the poorest nations. That is a well-established fact. The reasons for disharmony between men and women will become increasingly more apparent the more you read.

This book is not about feminism or any other kind of "ism". The only things you need to bring to this journey are an open mind, an adequate English vocabulary and the ability to objectively observe the behavior of the women in your life and then objectively compare their behavior to what you learn.

This book is not for or against any particular religion or culture. The fact is that no culture in existence today prohibits its men from loving, understanding and appreciating women. Even if a culture places restrictions on its women regarding what they can do in public, none prohibit a man from loving and appreciating any woman to the fullest in private!

It doesnt matter whether you are in process of building a new enduring love relationship with a particular woman or wanting to get along better with your wife, female boss, mother, sister or daughter! It doesnt matter whether you are in an arranged marriage or a love marriage.

Once equipped with this information, any man from any culture can understand, love and appreciate any woman from any culture or background regardless of her age, race, religion, political persuasion, or levels of income, education or sophistication.

Whether you meet her on an Internet dating site, chat room, at work, at a party or anywhere else for that matter; this book will allow you to build a successful interpersonal relationship or marriage with any woman because you can now relate to who she really is and not who you imagine her to be.

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So come and discover the magic of the woman in your life!!

All it takes is time, patience and lots of communication!!

Mr. Les Morgenstern is the author of the book What Every Man Should Know About Women. His unique experiences in 60 countries led him to working with a group of 16 women in an experimental workshop for 3 years. What began as a study of 6 popular female Archetypes led to the identification of 9 types of women that are the subject of the book. Morgenstern writes about 9 types of women at cialis injury lawyer columbus. Once equipped with this information, men would understand women from any culture better without any misconceptions coming in the way and vice versa enabling interpersonal relationships to grow.

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